Is­be­del Kismayu

Is­be­delka ka socodo ma­g­a­al­ada Kismayo oo ah caasi­madda Jub­ba­land. Wax­aan halkaan idinku hey­naa playlist oo kooban. Mus­taqbalkana waan soo gelin doonaa inkale.

Kismayo (So­mali: Kismaayo; Ara­bic: كيسمايو‎, Kīsmāyū) is a port city in the south­ern Lower Juba (Jub­bada Hoose) province ofSo­ma­lia. It is the com­mer­cial cap­i­tal of the au­tonomous Juba­land re­gion.

The town is sit­u­ated 328 miles (528 km) south­west of Mo­gadishu, near the mouth of the Jubba River, where the wa­ters empty into the In­dian Ocean. As of 2011, the lo­cal pop­u­la­tion is es­ti­mated at 183,300 in­hab­i­tants.

Dur­ing the Mid­dle Ages, the in­flu­en­tial So­mali Aju­ran Sul­tanate held sway over the ter­ri­tory, fol­lowed in turn by the Sul­tanate of the Geledi. From 1836 un­til 1861, Kismayo and other parts of Juba­land were claimed by the Sul­tanate of Mus­cat (now in Oman), and were later in­cor­po­rated into British East Africa. In 1925, Juba­land was ceded to Italy, form­ing a part of Ital­ian So­ma­liland. On 1 July 1960, the re­gion, along with the rest of Ital­ian So­ma­liland and British So­ma­liland, be­came part of the in­de­pen­dent re­pub­lic of So­ma­lia.